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21 Tips for A Happy and Healthy 2021

"You can listen to the cynics and doubters and believe that success is impossible or you can trust that with faith and an optimistic attitude all things are possible." - John Gordon. 

2020 was one of the seemingly longest years in history with many unprecedented events bringing unexpected lows and resulting in many personal changes. It's safe to say most everyone cant wait to turn the page on 2020 and start fresh. In the spirit of adopting a positive attitude towards the new year and managing our wellness, we have compiled a short list of 21 things to do to keep yourself mentally and monetarily healthy in the new year. 

1. Recognize that 2020 was a unique year. Allow yourself to acknowledge that the new year is going to look different than those past no matter what. Set realistic expectations. Continue to remind yourself that it is ok when things don't go as planned and give yourself grace in facing facts without the weight of comparing what could or should have been. 

2. Breathe- studies show that spending at least 5 minutes a day focusing on your breathing can physically help reduce the effects of stress. 

3. There is joy to be found in all things. Focus on the positives of situations. When things become unmanageable and you feel like you cant find a positive, go for a gratitude walk. Ten minutes around the block mentally reminding yourself what you are thankful for will provide clarity. 

4. Don't chase success. Success can be fleeting and momentary. Decide to make a difference and work towards that daily. Success will find you when you change your perspective. 

5. Sign up for a virtual wellness program. Whether as a one time thing or a daily subscription, having the accountability and assistance will keep you aligned with your goals. 

6. Visualize daily what is most important to you. Whether it be family, wealth, better health or sustainability in any aspect. Create a vision board and look at it daily to help keep you focused and motivated. 

7. Get more sleep. No matter how many espresso shots your drink or how much coffee you chug you CAN NOT replace physical rest. 

8. While we are on the topic of #7- Don't waste your precious energy on gossip, negative thoughts or things you cannot control. When you find yourself gravitating towards these things check yourself. Is this contributing to my happiness? Gandhi said, "I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet," and neither should you! 

9. Look for opportunities to serve others. Showing kindness and love does not only serve others it keeps us thankful for our own blessings and fills our happiness bucket. 

10. Adopt a "No Complaining" rule. Complaining is nothing but wasted energy and words we could be using towards our happiness and positivity. 

11. Change your perspective from what you "have to" do or have to what you "get to". Life is a gift not an obligation. 

12. Find something you want to occupy your mind in the coming months. Our brains crave learning and growth. Pick a project that both invigorates and motivates you—moves your life in the direction you want to go. 

13. Structure your day. Keep yourself to a physical schedule. Keep your day flowing in a way that directs it in a forward motion both momentarily and for the larger picture. 

14. Try to recite daily affirmations or make a time daily to incorporate affirmations for just a few moments. Write them down and look at them. Affirmations are a list of positive attributes or accomplishments we recite to ourselves that can help with anxiety, self forgiveness, manifesting. Affirmations help us attract the life we want and deserve. 

15. Stop being lazy. Pick one task a day to accomplish in addition to your daily necessities. Accomplishing looming tasks will contribute to your overall positivity and productivity and keep you in a forward motion. 

16. Smile and laugh more, they are natural anti-depressants. 

17. Invest in your well being- Sign yourself up for in person or virtual therapy sessions. There is no shame in having an unbiased outlet. Set yourself up for a happier and more successful year by doing the hard work it takes to get there- including nursing your mental well being with a professional. Now, thanks to technology and a positive side affect of the COVID-19 pandemic, doctors and therapists are easier to reach through online platforms and virtual programs like talkspace, betterhelp.com, verywellmind.com, telehealth and more! It can be as simple as just having someone to chat with through an app. 

18. Read more books in 2021. Reading opens our brain, stimulates our imagination and expands our wisdom. Reading allows us to escape from the present into alternate realities of fiction or relate to others on a deeper level through non fiction, memoirs and self-help. Reading also gives us somewhere to go when we have to stay where we are- an essential when we need an escape from the current pandemic travel bans. Create a reading goal for 2021 using the kindle app or 

19. Consciously invite growth, adventure, and awe into our lives. We normally associate awe with grand, often expensive, plans but most anyone can wake up early to watch the sunrise or stay up late to gaze at the stars. Identify what helps you feel wonderstruck, and see how you can make it part of your life or your daily routine. 

20. Trust that things happen for a reason. Easier said than done but repeating this mantra to ourselves is essential in keeping a positive mindset. 

21. Enjoy the ride. We only get one go and each year is an opportunity to appreciate what we are given and live to our fullest potential. Know your limits, communicate your boundaries, trust the process, don't sweat the small stuff, surround yourself with people who will lift you up spiritually, emotionally and professionally. 



As always, we are wishing you a safe and happy new year and beyond.